
Showing posts from July, 2023

31 year old male with loose motions since 1 day

A 31 Year old male presented to the casualty with complains of 20 loose stools since 1 day.  Patient was apparently asymptomatic till yesterday night then consumed outside food(fried rice) after which he developed loose stools of 20-25 episodes per day with abdominal pain. Stools were of large quantity, loose in consistency and non-foul smelling.  He also has Fever since 1 day, Not associated with chills and rigors Fever is of High grade, intermittent and not associated with cough, cold, SOB, sore throat.  The patient also complains of burning micturition since 1 day  No C/O chest pain, palpitations, constipation, decreased urine output, hematuria, pyuria. DAILY ROUTINE: Patient is a 31 year old male. He is married and has 3 kids. He is a farmer by occupation. He wakes up at 6am everyday and freshens up and goes to his farm. He comes back home at 8am and has breakfast and returns to farm. He sometimes has his lunch at 1:00pm and the other times he skips it and has a early dinner. He co

70 yrs old male patient with c/o B/L great and second toe pain for the past 15 days

70 yrs Old male came with complaints of B/L great toe and second toe pain since 15 days Patient was apparently asymptomatic 15 days ago. Then he developed pain at B/L Great and second toes which is associated with burning sensation, insidious onset , gradually progressive and not associated with h/o trauma H/o B/L Varicose vein present for the past 6 months No c/o fever , pain abdomen, loose stools, vomiting, burning micturition, cough , cold H/o NSAID abuse present  No c/o decreased urine output , hesitancy , frequency, urgency  C/o pedal edema (pitting type) on and off Previous reports 16/06/2023   USG abdomen - Grade 3 Renal parenchymal disease  30/06/2023     Serum creatinine 2.9 mg/dl Past history  K/c/o asthma for 2 yrs and on MDI SALBUTAMOL / SOS K/c/o Hypertension for 20 yrs and on TAB . AMLONG-AT PO/OD   K/c/o CAD for 10 yrs ( on irregular medication of TAB. ECOSPRIN -AV 75/10 Not a k/c/o DM , CVA , thyroid disorders H/o seizures one time 20 yrs ago H/o hypoglycemic coma 15 yr