21 year old female with chief complaints of vomiting and loose motions

21 year old female who is a student (studying MBA ) from Nalgonda came with chief complaints of Vomitings since 3 days and loose motions since 3 days

History of Present illness:
Patient was apparently asymptomatic 3 days back .On Sunday , she attended a religious meet in a Church where she had Buttermilk and Chicken for the lunch.After going back to her hostel she developed mild fever and headache. In the evening she had curd rice .At 2.00 AM in the night ,she had two episodes of vomiting and  4 episodes of  loose motions. The vomiting was non-bilious ,non-projectile ,not blood stained and was containing food particles .Stools were watery and not blood stained .She was then taken to a private hospital where she was given some medication ( tablets). Even then ,loose motions were not relieved ,so she was admitted to a nearby Government hospital .Unsatisfied by their treatment ,she moved to our hospital on tuesday .At our hospital ,she was started on IV fluids and Antibiotics.

Past history:
No history of similar complaints and hospitalization in the past
No history of Epilepsy , Asthma ,Thyroid 

Family history : 
Not significant

Personal history:
Takes Mixed diet
Normal appetite 
Sleep Adequate
Bowel and bladder -Regular
No known Allergies to any medication or foods

General Physical Examination
She was conscious ,coherent and cooperative and well oriented to time ,place ,person.
Thin built and moderately nourished
Weight :41 kg
Height:160 cm
BMI: 15.3

BP :130/80 mm Hg
HR: 109 bpm
RR:18 cpm
Spo2: 100% on room air

No pallor ,icterus , cyanosis, clubbing ,keilonychia, lymphadenopathy, and edema

Head to toe examination:
Sunken eyes 
Loss of Skin turgidity
Dry mucous membranes

Local Examination:
Inspection :Normal
Palpation  :Normal
Auscultation : Normal 

Differential Diagnosis:
Acute Gastroenteritis


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